Sunday, September 30, 2007
I'm losing a valued presence at work
This person is kind and humorous and supremely talented. My daily routine will turn a few shades grayer in their absence.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Tomato... SQUISH!
T&E reaped a bushel full of super ripe home grown tomatoes. I horned in on their breakfast which was fantastic and stuck around for the pre-sauce prep. E set up the tomato station after I ran home to pick up more ice for the ice bath. We made some treasure map markings (x marks the spot on the tomato). She popped them into boiling water and after 30 seconds plopped them into the ice bath. At which point, I not so delicately abused them by rendering them skinless. Meanwhile, mister tomas was debating whether to add garlic to 'the sweat' of onions or to add to the bottom of the pot... I hope this part of the process isn't a secret... :| and then, E and I picked up our paring knives again, and mutilated and squished the tomatoes to remove the tough stringy white center and ... the butt. Wish I had images... she does. I'll add later.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Baby Nico arrived yesterday, Sept. 4
Baby Nico looks like a glow worm in his swaddling with a chestnut shaped face. Who does he look like - Ann or Ed? The long toes say Ann. Everything points to Ann so far.
That's ok. He'll look like Ed in 15 years.
Yeah... I guess he beats out Fidri in cuteness. Never thought I'd say that. Or say it and mean it. I guess you don't have to have a pelt to be cute.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Vino a chez maman et papa
After 5 months, I've finally brought over to my parents' their gift from New Zealand, a pino noir, on the Sunday before Labour Day.
I know NZ is really known for their whites, so I picked up a savignon blanc to supplement... it was 11am, and illegally purchased on Sunday. .... .... :P
I found Mommy hiding upstairs watching dvds of BBC film productions... why? The reason for the visit is to flush her with attention. We can see Papa on a weekly basis if we so choose. What the hell is she doing?
*rolls eyes*
So insecure.
Runs in the family. Except for the boys. They are nuts.
I know NZ is really known for their whites, so I picked up a savignon blanc to supplement... it was 11am, and illegally purchased on Sunday. .... .... :P
I found Mommy hiding upstairs watching dvds of BBC film productions... why? The reason for the visit is to flush her with attention. We can see Papa on a weekly basis if we so choose. What the hell is she doing?
*rolls eyes*
So insecure.
Runs in the family. Except for the boys. They are nuts.
Friday, August 31, 2007
No Gym for 4 Days
I never thought I would EVER be the kind of person to say: "I haven't been to the gym and now I feel gross"
This is all happening because I don't know how to prep for running and stretch afterwards or for how long.
I am a fitness idiot. Now I pay in pain. Oh my aging, aching body.
I'm going to gym tonight and using the elliptical. My friend.
This is all happening because I don't know how to prep for running and stretch afterwards or for how long.
I am a fitness idiot. Now I pay in pain. Oh my aging, aching body.
I'm going to gym tonight and using the elliptical. My friend.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The power of Salman Rushdie
His words disembody me.
The first book I read of his was The Moor's Last Sigh.
I just began Shalimar the Clown.
The first book I read of his was The Moor's Last Sigh.
I just began Shalimar the Clown.
Monday, August 27, 2007
MoMA's last viewing of Bringing Up Baby
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Hijinx with the "P" family
It was supposed to be gaming night. What it became was eat all the bread and cheese with as much red wine as you can sensibly pace yourself to drink (except Mark) and dancing in your seat to silly tunes from musicovery (thanks for that link Mark).
Somebody got to the boogy down part a little early.
All while we had our slave prepping in the heated kitchen w/o AC.

Booo!!! No more brie-marmalade
The Ps are randomly overexpressive.
The remaining wines M&M collected in CA.
Bearing witness.
And then the Juicer. But, that's a story for another day.
More fool me (this time, I ran 1.5 w/o breaks)
What the hell was I thinking?! PAIN this morning.
So, I thought, hm, let me go running again. But, longer. And, on a treadmill. Sure, that will help.
How far? 1.5 miles. Pushed myself? Yep.
Wise? Not really. Now that I know it really just meant more pain by a factor of 10.
So, I spent about 40min massaging my quads because if I nearly fell down the stairs this morning en route to meet Ann (pre gym)... then would I now make it down from the top of this building without a smashed nose, jaw and/or skull?
(I keep thinking about that one time when I joined the crew team for AM exercise... up and down those stairs... a bajillion times... and then I could not traverse the stairs in my dorm for days. It was horrifying.)
Maybe the massage worked. Maybe cleaning the apartment worked also. I snoozed on the couch while thinking. When I woke and stood, no Extra pain. Good sign, right?
Hey... maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all. Well, the jury is out until tomorrow morning after 8 hours of inactivity overnight.
I just really want to know what the running hype is. Can you fault me for being eager?
So, I thought, hm, let me go running again. But, longer. And, on a treadmill. Sure, that will help.
How far? 1.5 miles. Pushed myself? Yep.
Wise? Not really. Now that I know it really just meant more pain by a factor of 10.
So, I spent about 40min massaging my quads because if I nearly fell down the stairs this morning en route to meet Ann (pre gym)... then would I now make it down from the top of this building without a smashed nose, jaw and/or skull?
(I keep thinking about that one time when I joined the crew team for AM exercise... up and down those stairs... a bajillion times... and then I could not traverse the stairs in my dorm for days. It was horrifying.)
Maybe the massage worked. Maybe cleaning the apartment worked also. I snoozed on the couch while thinking. When I woke and stood, no Extra pain. Good sign, right?
Hey... maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all. Well, the jury is out until tomorrow morning after 8 hours of inactivity overnight.
I just really want to know what the running hype is. Can you fault me for being eager?
Friday, August 24, 2007
People, I ran my first mile in 9 years
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Bridal Shower/Bachelorette Party for a Friend (8/18/2007)
Friday, August 17, 2007
Damned Franken-Bear
Edyta invited me over for a lovely light repast after work and for a bit of crafting.
Those are homemade pickles people!!! And, Edyta's Mommy made the roasted vegetable spread (yellow ochre).
Poor Tomas. Exhausted from cooking for a bachelor party the next day.
Tom's tomatoes.
However, after a little bit of red wine... someone got lazy and t'weren't me...
Look at all the great stuff I bought in Rochester!!
Edyta's new plant obsession.
Final product. Forgot to sew on ears... :(
Those are homemade pickles people!!! And, Edyta's Mommy made the roasted vegetable spread (yellow ochre).
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Communist Weekend 2007 (geneseo kids)
We didn't get to eat at Sticky Lips (what a name!) and instead patroned Dinosaur BBQ (not the original in Syracuse, but 2nd location in Rochester, or The Roc, according to the friendly TSA guy taking our check in baggage from Jet Blue).
But, this is really how our stay in The Roc or Ro-cha-cha began. In the restroom, upon arrival, bearing witness to ourselves after a 2+ hr delay on the tarmac at JFK.
And then we hit Jo-Ann Fabrics in Henrietta. Wowsers. Even Jason got excited over crafts!
That's right bitches!! *clink* To kicking Mark's ass in billiards!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Fidri is a mysterious meat
meat loves all foods
pizza. carrots. potato chips. rice. broccoli.
but he just cannot have them - it's not in the cards for him
meat is 15 years old - shoots up twice daily
weekly visits to the vet have been spaced out to every 2 weeks - yay!
process: i schlep him down from the fourth floor in his (taxi)
to my car somewhere in a 2-3 block radius from my building. then i drive approximately 30 blocks amongst crazy brooklyn wackadoos that should never have gotten licensed.
meat for meat
Rediscovery (ode to danielle)
She was lost but now is found. Gah, and living with a dood no less! My memory tickled and I rediscovered your blog and posted gibberish commentary for this post and you responded!! to which I quipped "______". (Jeeez, can you tell I like hyperlinks?)
***crappity crap... that last link doesn't work because the novella post i wrote apparently didn't hit her blog***
Remember this dooders? Back in the old country a bajillion years ago.
***crappity crap... that last link doesn't work because the novella post i wrote apparently didn't hit her blog***
Saturday, August 4, 2007
NJ Day Update
I picked up Edyta and took bqueue-fdr-hrd-gwb-46 and picked up Amy. A record 30 minute ride!
And so, we arrived earlier than expected, parked on the street ($0.25/hr for parking - this is magnificent) .
At chez Amy, I offered up a little whine/cramp-whine/whine while waiting for 11am to tick tock... *time marching*...
Then as elevenohclock-struck we went for grub at Nam San in Palisades Park, NJ. I needed to eat kalbi-jim being low on iron this week.
Edyta went the safe route with gopdol bibimbob and Amy had budechige. ~sorry, no pics of food~
Dudes!!! This all cost me $14.75!!! Sad for Rag Shop, euphoric for me. But, the day did not begin there....
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